by David Bradley | Consultant Skills
Summary Discounts are an iffy subject. “Never” is a better answer than “well you should always be ready to offer one!”. There’s a better way to think about and present discounts to clients. Your approach to pricing has a major impact on...
by David Bradley | Consultant Skills
Summary Most marketing clients that join you early in your new venture end up paying a great rate. For them. Profitability in marketing services business is vital to measure. It has been since the old days of advertising firms that aspired for a whole 1%...
by David Bradley | Consultant Skills
Summary Is it worth putting advertising dollars behind your own consulting business? If you do advertise, what makes sense, and what doesn’t? Listen in to this five-minute breakdown. Transcript Hey guys, I want to talk to you about whether you should advertise...
by David Bradley | Consultant Skills
Summary Entrepreneurship can be surprisingly lonely and draining. But so rewarding. We just need to make sure to take care of ourselves along the way. Consultants often work alone and for a long time lead alone. Having support systems in place give you the structure...
by David Bradley | Consultant Skills
Summary Consultants are hired based on their credibility. You need to find your client at the right time and they must have a need, but that isn’t enough. There are countless other consultants and agencies who can serve your client. How do you stand out? Case...
by David Bradley | Consultant Skills
Summary Credibility is how decisions are made on whether to hire or even consider a marketing consultant. In an industry with so much competition between other consultants, freelancers, and marketing agencies, you need credibility to be something that differentiates...